WordPress Multisite DNS Question

I have two domains on linode pointing to individual WordPress installations. I want to map one of these domains to a WordPress Multisite subdirectory. In other words, there is mydomain.com and mydomain1.com. The WordPress Multisite blog is located at mydomain.com/myblog. How do I change the DNS of the mydomain1.com (now pointing to an individual WordPress installation) to point to mydomain.com?

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I have two domains on linode pointing to individual WordPress installations. I want to map one of these domains to a WordPress Multisite subdirectory. In other words, there is mydomain.com and mydomain1.com. The WordPress Multisite blog is located at mydomain.com/myblog. How do I change the DNS of the mydomain1.com (now pointing to an individual WordPress installation) to point to mydomain.com?

If the sites are going to stay on the same IP, then I don't see why any DNS change would be required. I think your changes would be at the webserver and Wordpress levels.


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