Anyone know why connecting to Linode from Digital Ocean would be slow?
So I wanted to put it on a non-Linode server, I chose Digital Ocean. Server is in London, same as Linode.
Now I am getting loads of CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds. If I up this to 20 seconds, I still occasionally get a timeout.
I timed connecting via the command line from my home computer a hundred miles away, and from the monitor server. From home I SSH in at 1 second. From Digital Ocean it took over 20 seconds to get to the command prompt.
So I am convinced for some reason connecting from the London Digital Ocean server to the London Linode server is just taking far far longer than it should.
Anyone know anything about this?
6 Replies
So I am guessing something is up with the brand new DO server I cerated this morning, perhaps the software on it is slowing it down after all.
Seems like a pretty lame way to get your sig link plastered across the forum, neh?
- Les