Anyone know why connecting to Linode from Digital Ocean would be slow?

I have a monitoring system to monitor some of our services on Linode, which includes response time. Because the monitor is on the same network as the services its monitoring, I believe the response time to be too quick that what it would be in reality for people outside Linode network. This is a hunch. I also have Nagios on the monitoring server checking other standard services.

So I wanted to put it on a non-Linode server, I chose Digital Ocean. Server is in London, same as Linode.

Now I am getting loads of CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds. If I up this to 20 seconds, I still occasionally get a timeout.

I timed connecting via the command line from my home computer a hundred miles away, and from the monitor server. From home I SSH in at 1 second. From Digital Ocean it took over 20 seconds to get to the command prompt.

So I am convinced for some reason connecting from the London Digital Ocean server to the London Linode server is just taking far far longer than it should.

Anyone know anything about this?

6 Replies

I've just setup a Rackspace cloud server to test the speed, also in London, and SSH from Rackspace to Linode is about instant, clearly faster than my 1 second from home. Although I have not added any software like Virtualmin/Webmin, Nagios to the Rackspace server, in case that was slowing it down some. I would not think the software would slow SSH down by 20 seconds would it.

Just created a new Digital Ocean server, and SSH'd to Linode from that and the speed is fine.

So I am guessing something is up with the brand new DO server I cerated this morning, perhaps the software on it is slowing it down after all.

Its stopped doing it now. So I imaging this is temperamental anyway, which means none of my tests above are conclusive :(

Try a traceroute from both these servers you can see where it is slowing down, there should be some network time out causing it

Is it your intention to bump every post on the forum with a oneliner?

Seems like a pretty lame way to get your sig link plastered across the forum, neh?

  • Les

Well, as it is bumped now, I may aswell update it…. this issue seemed to only last for several hours or so… since raising the issue its OK now. So it was very strange! Have reduced the timeout back down to 10 and its OK.


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