Email Alert Thresholds for certain times only


We take additional backups on our server off-linode in the early hours of the morning, and this is kicking off the Email Alert Thresholds and Outbound Traffic rate. Very annoying to get these emails for some servers every day.

Is there a way to somehow limit these to only certain hours? I guess not, but hoped someone would have some suggestion or something, because the only way to stop them is disable the notifications and then if something does happen of concern we wont get it.

We do use Nagios on the servers too, so maybe I can setup equivalent nagios alerts then I can disable the Linode ones, but wondered of there was any other easier way.


4 Replies


the only way to stop them is disable the notifications and then if something does happen of concern we wont get it.

Why not up your thresholds? I've upped my thresholds so that backups don't bother me, but I kept the alerts on, just in case I miss something by other monitoring.

And, yes, it's a good idea to hook it into your existing nagios setup and do your own monitoring that way too - especially considering that Linode's email alerts are a 2 hourly average threshold check, which may not catch everything you may care about.


Most of the time they are quite low. The backups are downloading a lot of files and databases, so its much higher than "normal". So if I up thresholds beyond the backup maximum, then something out of the ordinary is happening one day, I may not know about it.

You could always drop the alert e-mail messages on your end at certain times of the day.

I might look into that thanks. I use procmail filters on my email for certain things, its quite difficult to learn, I just thought adding in some time based filters in procmail, if possible, would be too hard! I think will look into Nagios first, as I am quite used to that, if it can monitor the same things.


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