Inactive Domain Gmail Apps Setup


I have a domain name that I own that I would like to keep. This domain shouldn't resolve to anything online though. I'm basically keeping it for its domain name on Google Apps.

On Linode, I'm going to have 1 active domain with a website but I would like to also add this inactive domain to use for emails.

So far, I've added this inactive domain under the DNS manager (I selected No, I want the zone empty). I've manually added the to the NS records and I've also added all of the MX records for Google under MX records.

The email accounts for this domain still don't work. Do I have to enable this domain under Nginx for email accounts to work? Is there something else I'm missing here?

I've also added the IP address of my server to GoDaddy under Hosts. In GoDaddy the nameservers are listed as and though. Do I need to change them to and ???

5 Replies

We'd be able to help you more if you provide the domain name in question.

Thank you.

I don't want to post my domain name publicly hence my using the example names.


We'd be able to help you more if you provide the domain name in question.

Thank you.

I've read elsewhere that you need to create A records in DNS manager and point them to Linode's and IP addresses ?

I've created A records under DNS manager and have added:

Hostname: NS1

IP Address:

TTL: Default

also for NS2.

Would this work?

The easy way to configure DNS with Linode is to tell your DNS register that and will be your DNS servers, then add the domain to Linode DNS manager and create whatever DNS records there.

So, no, you don't need to run your own DNS server, and you don't need to create ns1 or ns2 records.

Your records are for but the SOA is

Make the zone and in that zone create MX records for


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