sFTP jail set-up & changing home directories


so I was following this guide, which I found in this forum topic.

And I've come across an issue I can't fix.

Here's what I want to do:

  • I have a user with a home directory. Let's call the user "bossuser" and so his home directory is /home/bossuser.

  • Within that home directory there are three other directories.

  • Then I create three new users: "dummyuser1" "dummyuser2" and "dummy_user3".

  • These three users home directories are supposed to be the three directories in the home directory of "boss_user".

  • When "dummyuser1" connects via sFTP I want him to be jailed into his home directory (which is within the home directory of "bossuser").

So what I did was:

adduser dummy_user1
usermod -d /home/boss_user/dir1 -m dummy_user1

Put this into the sshd_config:

Match user dummy_user1
    ChrootDirectory /home/boss_user/dir1
    X11Forwarding no
    AllowTcpForwarding no
    ForceCommand internal-sftp

And following that I executed:

chmod 755 /home/boss_user/dir1

Then I restarted SSH, with:

service ssh restart

What I get when trying to connect with my "dummy_user1" with FileZilla is:

Error:    Network error: Software caused connection abort
Error:    Could not connect to server

How do I fix this issue? I haven't been using linux for too long, so I might have made some stupid mistakes. Just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here.


  • Mercury

Edit: If I remove that part:

<code>[code]Match user dummy_user1
    ChrootDirectory /home/boss_user/dir1
    X11Forwarding no
    AllowTcpForwarding no
    ForceCommand internal-sftp<e>[/code]</e></code>

The user can connect, but (of course, as expected) is not jailed to his home directory.

5 Replies

It's probably a permissions thing, /home/boss_user/dir1 will need to be owned by root with group root. Check /var/log/auth.log for details from ssh.

I did that before. But on that note, I tried another thing:

Having root own "/home/boss_user" makes it work.

But will boss_user not owning his own home directory cause issues? Or can there be two owners?

Thanks so far!


  • Mercury

Having /home/bossuser owned by root will mean that bossuser can't write to their own home directory. You can only have one owner. You can however create subdirectories owned by boss_user which they can write to.

Ok, I understand that. What I want is that bossuser has write-privileges to "home/bossuser/dir1" and dummyuser1 does not, but is jailed into that folder. From what I understand this is not possible because root needs ownership to "/home/bossuser" and "/home/bossuser/dir1". As soon as I give any user other than root write-privileges to "/home/bossuser/dir1" sshd tells me to … and dummy_user1 can't connect anymore with that same error from before.

My solution is to create another directory owned by bossuser. Something like "/home/bossuser/dir1/dir1" which is not quite what I wanted but I guess it's good enough.

If you have any other suggestions I'd be more than happy to test them. Will keep checking this thread for a while.

Thanks a lot for your help!


  • Mercury

What you said is correct, root has to own the directory the user is chrooted into they cannot write to that directory but they can write to subdirectories.


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