Linode Static IP Quesiton
I'm a new Linode customer, and I have a newbie question.
I acquired a 1024 VPS Linode and made some configuration to my VPS. I noticed that I was assigned a certain IP address to ssh into my VPS. It has been a couple of days now and I'v noticed that my IP is static and remains the same. However, when I looked into the network documentation here at, it states that Linodes use DHCP to acquire their IP addresses. Is there any chance that my assigned Linode IP will ever change? I'm asking this because I'm considering to buy a domain name soon and I wonder if I attache my IP to the domain name, will I then face any problems with the DNS trying to figure out my IP. Thank you.
6 Replies
Welcome to Linode!
Networking is a common source of confusion so this is an excellent question. The short answer to your question is that your IP address will not change. Linode uses DHCP by default to acquire your IP address when the Linode is booted for the first time, but the IP address that it acquires is "assigned" to your Linode and will never change.
If you decide to use a private IP address or need multiple public IP addresses you would need to set up static networking[1] or use the Network Helper[2] to do it for you. If you are only planning on having the single IP address for your Linode then you do not have to do anything and your IP address will never change.
Legacy customers can get the same behavior by flipping the switch on the Account -> Settings subtab.
All customers can control Network Helper on a per-configuration profile basis by, well, adjusting the "Autoconfigure Networking" setting inside the Linode's Configuration Profile.
Hope that helps!