Automatic generation of subdomains & domain forwarding
as I'm looking here and there different server providers and before reading Linode's server API I would like to pose 2 questions in advance:
1) is it possible to automate the creation of subdomains with a script from a linux server?
Like,, etc. where has been added with the help of a DNS panel most providers do have,
2) even more, is it possible to automate also with a script the forwarding of client's domains bought say from GoDaddy so they can point to my virtual hosts in a linux server?
Say I want,, etc that point to my server's ip to be handled by specific virtual hosts in my server.
3 Replies
2 would be within your VM, adding a virtual host to your webserver config or whatever. that's not something that'd be handled by linode's API, but it's definitely something that you could write code or script to do
1 can be done via the API
2 would be within your VM, adding a virtual host to your webserver config or whatever. that's not something that'd be handled by linode's API, but it's definitely something that you could write code or script to do
:) Fine thanks!
Answer 1 opens some very interesting possibilities (comparing with what was able 5 years ago)…Now let's see what API has to say (curl based?)…
Answer 2 should be obvious to me! It's linode's DNS servers that do the work sending requests to client's box; the rest is handled by Apache's virtual hosts etc…thanks for your time.