Newbie - Firewalls

Hi all,

I have a linode (running debian) mainly used for small services (apache, mail, ftp etc), and was wondering if I needed to set up a firewall, or is that automatically done when the image is created?

If so, what do I have to do to get a firewall in place?



2 Replies


If so, what do I have to do to get a firewall in place?

I don't think there are any unnecessary services running in the default Debian install, but there is no firewall as far as I know. I believe the easiest way to get one running is 'apt-get install bastille' which will tighten up a number of things besides activating some iptables rules.

I'm using FireHOL myself -

The config file can be as easy as :

version 5

interface eth0 internet
   server "ssh www"    accept
   client "dns" accept

and then running try will enable those rules above,


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