Installation CD ROM Problem

Hi there.

After boot slackware 9.1 from CD and chosing the default kernel when comes to detect the cdrom it does stop for a bit and continues. In the setup itself when comes to the part to choose from where I want to install slack I choose cdrom and he start's scaning my driver without sucess.

I don't understand is why in the boot of slack installer he detectes the name of the cdrom but he can't find it. Kinda wierd.

In my older computer he detects the same cdrom O_o

Just one thing.

I tryed on VMWare boot the cdrom, and it works fine. It goes with bare.i kernel and detects the cdrom and can install slackware.

Now I'm really confuse !

Can some one help ?

My newer computer is: CPU: AMD XP 3000+ Barton, board: A7N8X-E Delux and the CD-ROM is recent and is IDE.

I don't undertstand why it works on my old system and now in the new one doesn't.




: )

2 Replies

Erm. this is a forum for customers to support other customers.

I'm not sure about others, but I personally think that this forum should strictly be kept for support. Why? Because there are billions of people that need help, and much fewer that sit down and take their time to respond to questions.

Bill Clinton

please delete my topic.



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