eXist XML database on Linux


I'm just wanting to confirm that this software set seems ok to run on the virtual servers.

  • initially Linode 64 with Gentoo Linux

  • apache webserver, PHP, mySQL, Perl

  • ** eXist XML database (http://exist.sourceforge.net/facts.html)

  • JDK > 1.4 (required by above)

  • apache Tomcat serverlet engine (again to run the eXist database)

  • authenticated SMTP (multiple users)

The main use will be to make XML requests to the database via HTTP from a number of external (Microsoft) servers.

Are there any key considerations for using a database like this?


Andy :)

1 Reply

A Linode 64 might be to small for this - a 96 would prbably be a better choice if you want to run Java instances


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