"Broken" PHP after Xen upgrade

I've a Linode set up with Apache 2.4.7 & PHP 5.5.9with Mysql client 5.5.41 - one site runs the latest version of Horde. All was well until the maintenance upgrade on Friday.

All the sites are working, except for the Horde site. Even there is mostly works, but certain options give a "the connection was reset" with firefox and "the page cannot be displayed" with IE. One page gives a blank screen (which normally suggests a PHP error)

There are no messages in the site logs, but in the general Apache error log I have "[core:notice] [pid 6018] AH00051: child pid 7068 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), possible coredump in /etc/apache2" or similar with every call the the offending screens (including the one which give the blank page). There is no core file dump that I can find.

Searching on Google seems to suggest that the upgrade has broken PHP (one option seems to be to recompile PHP, but I just installed with apt-get, so I would think I have the correct version). I've no core dump and I'm not sure how to proceed.

Has this happened to anyone else? Any suggestions as to how I can find the broken PHP (or Apache) module?


5 Replies

I doubt this is to do with the Xen upgrade, by any chance are you using Ubuntu 14.04? I had a similar issue after a PHP upgrade, the solution was to disable the op cache php5dismod opcache and restart apache.

The reason I associated it with the Xen upgrade was that it was working up until 6:30 on Friday, the upgrade took place at 10:00pm - and it wasn't working the next morning.

Having said that your suggestion has worked for all 3 broken pages, although why I don't quite understand - the system hadn't been rebooted for a while and I've taken the suggested upgrades as they come in, so I suppose a change was "lurking" and not fully active until the reboot

thanks very much

Good afternoon,

I have the same problem but I can not repair it, can you tell me how to do it in CentOS 7

Hi - no idea if this will solve your problem but http://awel.domblogger.net/7/php/

That's newer php (5.6.x) for CentOS 7 that I maintain, and for me it is working just fine after the xen update. x86_64 only.

Ready as I resolved the problem, not that after the upgrade the firewall rules were changed and that was not allowing respond appropriately.

Thanks for everything.

Greetings .


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