courier-imap compile error!


I have the following setup… Please help:

Redhat 9 Small

Sendmail (for now… going to upgrade to either Postfix or qmail)

I'd like to install courier-imap and did managet to get the latest source. But when trying to configure, error messages on missing library occurred (fixed that w/ RPMs from Redhat).

After ./configure, I tried to "make" from the source, but it gave me this error:

... snip....

Compiling maildirsearch.c
source='maildirsearchC.cpp' object='maildirsearchC.o' libtool=no \
depfile='.deps/maildirsearchC.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/maildirsearchC.TPo' \
depmode=none /bin/sh ./../depcomp \
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.      -c -o maildirsearchC.o `test -f 'maildirsearchC.cpp' || echo './'`maildirsearchC.cpp
In file included from maildirsearchC.cpp:7:
maildirsearch.h:97: syntax error before `;' token
make[2]: *** [maildirsearchC.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/shun.chu/courier-imap-3.0.3/maildir'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/shun.chu/courier-imap-3.0.3/maildir'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Any ideas what else I need? Or can someone tell me where I can just get an RPM and get this over with?? I tried getting it from, but it seems to have been down…

Found another copy at But "rpm -i [package]" doesn't seem to install it… just unpacks a lot of stuff to /usr/src/redhat/


3 Replies seems down for me too.

Try or if you just want courier IMAP,

FWIW I installed from src.rpm on fedora and it worked ok.


@krag: seems down for me too.

Try or if you just want courier IMAP,

FWIW I installed from src.rpm on fedora and it worked ok.
Thanks… Can you tell me which rpm package you got and where? I might just do that as well…

I know it's probably too late now but just for the record I make a rpm from the courier source, as per the instructions.

I couldn't be bothered to mess around with editing the .spec file to remove compatibility for ldap/postgresql so I just apt-get installed'd the packages it wanted.

It builds each module (eg mysql/ldap/postgres) as seperate rpms, so once they're built you can just install the core courier rpm plus any you need (like mysql), delete the RPMS you don't need, and also rpm -e the packages you installed.

Yes, I'm lazy :D




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