WordPress Import Plugin dies abruptly

Ok so I have created a WordPress plugin which imports a bunch of CSV entries and converts them into WordPress posts. The script sets memory limit to -1 and maxexecutiontime to 0. I am trying to run this on a 1024 MB node provided by Linode. The node has VirtualMin installed and PHP is configured to run as FCGId. I have added the following to /etc/apache2/mods-available/fcgid.conf:

FcgidBusyTimeout 604800

FcgidIdleTimeout 999999999

FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 999999999

MaxRequestsPerProcess 999999999

IdleTimeout 999999999999999

FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 999999999

FcgidIOTimeout 999999999

I am trying to import a CSV file with over 20k entries but the script dies after importing around 4k entries.

I would like to know if whether this could be because of a setting related to MySQL/Apache/PHP or is it related to the amount of resources available like memory etc?

When the script dies, the error_log makes no mention of anything related to this.

The script runs for around 3 or 4 minutes before it dies but I know this isn't related to the amount of time it's allotted because I have successfully run a test script I created to run for 15 minutes in which it sleeps every second and then writes to a file. It ran fine without any problem.

1 Reply

Haven't got an answer for you, but, to discount the plugin being the issue, have you successfully used it on another host (perhaps a local machine) with same/more RAM- same results, or different?

Also, worth just running 'top' or something similar in a terminal on your Linode while you try the plugin, sort my memory, or by cpu, see how that goes.

Perhaps you've already tried these things, mentioning them just in case you haven't.


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