Site never loads

I recently spun up my first Linode site for someone as a LAMP on Ubuntu. Everything was fine for the first couple of days, but then it stopped loading. Now it just spins forever when I attempt to access the site. The behavior is the same via domain name or by IP, and for all pages on the site.

According to the management console, everything is fine. I can log in with PUTTY fine. It says that Apache2 is running. It says Mysql is running, and I can log into it from shell.

I've been going through the troubleshooting, but haven't figured it out yet. All ping attempts fail, but that happens even when I turn the firewall off completely. I don't know what happened for this sudden change in site behavior.

If anyone has any suggestions of what I could look at next to figure this out, it would be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies

I have still not been able to solve this. If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

If not, I might just shut down my Linode account and move to another hosting provider. I decided to try Linode after using other providers in hopes that it would run faster.

You've provided zero details - most people here refuse to play 20 questions (hence the lack of responses).

And keep in mind, unless you pay for MANAGED service, there is no "official" support on application problems.


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