Getting MySQL4 to work with an apt-get php version?

Hi, i've changed my distro over to the fedora core 1 from rh9 sml

I installed mysql4 from source, but now i've got a problem in that I cannot get php to connect to mysql properly. I get the following error: extension not found

I tried doing apt-get install php-mysql however it of course thinks that mysql is not on the system and so tries to go ahead and install mysql.

The reason I wanted to install mysql from source is so that I could use version 4, however if possible I wanted to install php using apt-get since there pretty much up to date on the php front.

By the way, mysql works fine, it just seems to be the problem that fedora core 1 does not 'recognise' the mysql install.

Im almost tempted to just scrap mysql4 and go back to 3 if I cannot solve this soon..

3 Replies


Im on fedora too and had the same problem. I looked into it and came up with the following URLs. I haven't tried it because to be honest I couldn't be bothered, sticking with Mysql3 for the time being.

Anyway, try this … 06609.html">

and from that mailing list…



yeah, i found those thanks.

ended up just removing my install and starting again and did yum install mysql

however for some reason there is no mysqld been installed (or mysqld_safe for that matter)

seems a little strange… Have you had this same problem?

ok… just incase anyone is as silly as I am…

you can run:

yum install mysql-server

and that will fix my "problem"



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