yum updates incredibly slow, only on Linode

Hi all,

I'm new to Linode and having played with a few virtual machines for a while I thought I would get a VPS and carry on tinkering. :)

Having moved to Linode I'm finding that yum updates seem to be very slow. I thought it may be the mirrors so I fired up my local virtual machine and triggered updates on there, only to find it was lightning fast.

Any ideas what may be wrong?

Sorry is this question has been asked before - my jedi search powers are weak.



2 Replies

Temporary DNS problems. I experienced them a few days ago. For example, connecting to my machine via ssh took 10 seconds, but putting the source machine in /etc/hosts reduced this to less than one second. This workaround is not required anymore, as everything seems to work ok now.

Ubuntu updates have been slow lately even on my home machines. There have been a lot of updates for Linux the past week or two. Perhaps it's the luck of the draw and you happened to get a fast mirror in one case.


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