Apache2 PHP4 rebuild etc - trap for young players GD mcrypt

Dear Users,

I wasted a lot of time on this - [stupid]

PHP ./config has not finished when you see the THANK YOU for USING PHP boxes after configure.

I wrote a script to rebuild it [php4] which was stopping during the –with-* list and not getting to the make make install.

in seeing the thank you boxes I assumed that that was the end…. [stupid].

If you can't find libphp4.so anywhere it means you have not finished the make make install. There are a few pages around google about libtool bugs etc which are erroneous.

This will affect about 0.6% of users but it is still handy to have a pointer here.

Happy Linoding


2 Replies

also for people installing GD and getting those annoying jpeg / png error messages - you need to install both the libs and the *-devel libs

that will save you half an hour….

Another thing that got me when I was compiling PHP with mcrypt on my Mandrake box was that I couldn't find libltdl3.so.3 anywhere. From a Google it seemed as if it was something to do with libtool, but I had the libtool and libtool-devel RPMs already installed.

Turns out it's in the libltdl3 package - stupid me. :D I spent some time trying to work that out…


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