Upgrade, update with 0 downtime
We have 3 websites on Linode. It still hasn't been turned over to me yet so I don't have the specs yet. The websites are old (some still using HTML tables!) so we are developing a new website (which would cover all 3 websites). Sooner or later, we will have to update the Linode kernels. However, downtime is crucial. We'll have to eliminate or minimize downtime, else we'll be working on it overnight.
By updating the kernels, would the amount of data (70 Gb) that we have affect the time of reboot? In their documentation, they estimated 30 minutes:
Would migration of server be better than updating it?
Thank you!
3 Replies
So, you could prepare the new server in a new linode and when it's ready, you switch IPs and the new machine will become the real one.
Certain services (mysql, email) are continously generating new data, so you would have to plan carefully how to migrate those if you have them.