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Linode simplifies your cloud infrastructure with Linux virtual machines and tools to develop, deploy, and scale modern applications faster and easier.

Linode Images

Linode Images allows you to take snapshots of your disks, and then deploy them to any Linode under your account.
Getting Started

Plan Types – Choosing a Compute Instance Type and Plan

This guide provides an overview of all Linode instance types and plans, their corresponding use cases, and how to choose which one is right for you.

Developing StackScripts

StackScripts are scripts authored in any number of languages that run the first time your Linode boots, and are a great way to provision new servers.
Getting Started

Linode Support Guide

Linode Support ensures network availability, verifies that you can access your Linode, resolves performance issues with hosts, and works to fix any service-related issues you may be experiencing.

Linode Longview

Linode Longview is an app that, when installed on your Linode, allows for real time monitoring of CPU, memory, and network bandwidth metrics.

Account and Passwords – Linode Cloud Manager

This guide shows you how to control access to the Cloud Manager, update your contact information, and modify account passwords.

Tags and Groups – Linode Cloud Manager

Linode’s Cloud Manager and API allow you to create tags to help organize and group your Linode resources.

Cloud Manager

Cloud Manager is a user-friendly interface to deploy and manage virtual machines, configure networking, and control user accounts.

Linode, Explained

Linode and the power of the cloud explained in under 2 minutes. Watch this video and get started on the Linode Cloud today.

Linode Manager – Accounts and Passwords

This guide shows you how to control access to the Cloud Manager, update your contact information, and modify account passwords.
Getting Started

Getting Started with Linode

This guide shows you how to create a Linode, connect to your Linode over SSH, and perform tasks like updating your system, setting the hostname, and setting the correct timezone.

Automate Deployment with StackScripts

This guide explains how StackScripts work, and offers several examples of how to use them.