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Linode Blog

Christopher Aker

33% Additional Disk Space

Apr 23, 2009
by Christopher Aker
For no good reason other than we like to keep you on your toes, we’ve gone and added 33.3% more disk space to our plans, for both existing and new customers, available immediately!  You can utilize this space by resizing your existing disk images or by creating new images and attaching them to your configuration […]

Gentoo 2008.0 x86_64 and Slackware 12.2

Apr 4, 2009
by The Linode Security Team
Tonight we release two new images for the distro wizard: Gentoo 2008.0 x86_64 This is the same build as the x86 image, but for 64-bit Slackware 12.2 Basically the same as the 12.0 build with updated packages Enjoy them!
Christopher Aker

Backup Service enters Beta

Apr 3, 2009
by Christopher Aker
UPDATE: Linode Backup Service has launched! I’m pleased to announce that we’ve started the beta program for our new service: Managed Backups.  You can learn more about the progress of the beta program here: Linode Backup Service Beta Forum Linode Backup Service We want you to have backups. Hell, I want backups. But they’re tedious […]

Gentoo 2008.0

Mar 20, 2009
by The Linode Security Team
Gentoo 2008.0 is now available for installation via the distro wizard for i386. Enjoy!

Debian 5.0 (Lenny)

Feb 20, 2009
by The Linode Security Team
Debian 5.0 (codenamed “Lenny”) is now available for installation via the distro wizard for both i386 and x86_64. If you’ve got a previous version of Debian installed, you can check the Debian documentation to find out how to upgrade.
Tom Asaro

Randy’s Remodeled Office

Feb 10, 2009
by Tom Asaro
Randy has been out for the last week so we thought he could use a little office remodeling.  He’s been spending so much quality time building new hosts we wanted to make him feel at home when he gets back to his desk. . .
Christopher Aker

James Sinclair joins Linode

Jan 6, 2009
by Christopher Aker
James Sinclair has joined Linode this week full time.  Many of you already know him from our IRC channel as irgeek.  James has a very long history with Linode and our community — he’s one of our oldest customers, possessing the 9th Linode ever created, which he acquired just three days after we opened for […]
Christopher Aker

Custom kernels with pv-grub

Dec 23, 2008
by Christopher Aker
It’s now possible to boot custom kernels and even alternate operating systems under your Linode instance by the use of pv-grub — a port of the GRUB bootloader into the Xen mini-os kernel.  Essentially, your Linode boots into the pv-grub kernel, looks for your menu.lst and associated kernel files, and then executes your kernel. Although […]
Christopher Aker

Instant Activation

Nov 13, 2008
by Christopher Aker
Years ago, when Linode was still wet behind the ears, all new signups were activated instantly.  Everyone loved it, and life was good — until we realized that some people weren’t the most honest and liked to use stolen credit card information and rip people off and do nasty things with resources.  And so began […]
Tom Asaro

Linode hosts Rails Rumble 2008

Sep 29, 2008
by Tom Asaro
Linode is proud to announce that we’ll be hosting the Rails Rumble programming competition again this year! The Rails Rumble is a 48 hour web application development contest. As a contestant, you get one weekend to design, develop, and deploy the best web property that you can, using the awesome power of Ruby on Rails. […]
Christopher Aker

Randy Estelow joins Linode

Sep 18, 2008
by Christopher Aker
Randy “you had me at hello” Estelow joins Linode this week full time.   He’s a hardware guy, and will be lovingly assembling, testing, and bringing all of our new hosts online.  Randy impressed all of us when he arrived with a neatly organized toolbox full of implements for computer surgery.  He’s “restelow” in our IRC […]