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Hurricane Electric is Down

The HE (Hurricane Electric) data center is down. This affects Hosts 10, 13, 24, and I'm sure many others. My traceroute dies at the following:

 11   248 ms   311 ms   205 ms  ge-7-0-0-54.edge1.Chicago1.Level3.net []
 12   180 ms   224 ms   232 ms  he-level3-oc12.Chicago1.Level3.net []
 13     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Update: As of 9:15 am CST Hosts 10, 13, and 24 all appear to be back up. I am able to reach my Linode and everything appears normal.

5 Replies

Thanks for this… wondering what had happened today!

host 22 is or was down earlier again. I've been experiencing very bad down-time. i was told off by a client.

mike, i think we should lodge an official complaint with Hurricane Electric. this is simply unacceptable for a Tier-1 provider. I measured that my box has been inaccessible for more than an hour put together already on and off. this is absolutely not proper!

hurricane e. should compensate linode for this nonsense and compensation be passed onto customers!

On the other hand, I have two linodes on two different machines. Recently I have noticed the network trouble : sometimes the connection just didn't go through, and all of a sudden it was back. I don't know if this is related to HE.


On the other hand, I have two linodes on two different machines. Recently I have noticed the network trouble : sometimes the connection just didn't go through, and all of a sudden it was back. I don't know if this is related to HE.

By the way, sometimes even www.linode.com is unreachable for several seconds and minutes. And then it is back!

I've got continuous monitoring of my HE linode from my dallas-based server. It sucks that HE was down, but I'm calculating about 90 minutes total downtime over the last few days, spread across a dozen or so burts lasting a 1-30 minutes.

It sucks, but it's not all that bad in the scheme of things. As far as I remember this was the major outage caused by HE for my HE linode in the last year or so. 90 minutes down over a year is still 99.98% uptime, which isn't bad. There's no excuse for preventable failures, but overall I'm not all that mad at HE given their longer term record.


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