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Multiple Domains and everything?!? Where's the catch?

I don't get it. I have been browsing around the net trying to decide whether or not to get dedicated hosting or virtual hosting and expecting to pay $50 or more. Then I come here and you kids have almost the EXACT same services but for only $20. I don't get it.

I mean. Can I still run a shoutcast server? Can I still run a game server? Can I still run a telnet BBS? Can I still host all 4 of my domain names? And all for only $20 a month? I don't get it…



Jake (aka gecko)

10 Replies

If you can run it in 64mb of ram, without completely raping the server's IO, yep.

I have a 128, personally, and I run several shell sessions (most with irssi), lighttpd with php+mysql, and other fun things, and I love it.

For sure u can run whatever u need to as long as it needs those requirements

i personally run:

hosting for 3 websites which includes:
* Mail




soon to be JSP (tomcat)</list> 

on a personal side

i also run

2 eggdrops, 1 on dalnet, 1 on uqnet

a bnc that is responsible for me being conected to 5 different irc networks

and im not reaping all my memory and cpu yet.. jsp is starting to push it, but ill probably just upgrade to the next size linode very shortly

Part of why a Linode is so cheap too is that the service is unmanaged, in that you do everything yourself. If you dunno how to setup basic web services yet (or don't know Linux hehe), a Linode can be a great learning tool, not to mention fun fun fun! I have a 64 and I'm currently running apache+php (mysql is installed but not running as I don't need it yet), qmail, and proftp with still some room left to grow. Running a game server will be hard on a 64 (anything recent will prolly require much more RAM), but most other services can be run easily under 64MB. Best value for your buck you'll ever find.


Well, this is certainly a learning experience. I have signed up and am rather excited to get started. Now if only I could ssh from work. ;)


Jake (aka gecko)

I wouldn't expect to run a game server, since you're going to get a small fraction of the CPU cycles, relatively, and tight IO/RAM limits. However yes, hosting multiple domains for http/mail is pretty straightforward. I think I had a dozen domains on my 96 at last count (ok, so not all of them are doing anything), and I think I only use maybe 10% of my monthly bandwidth. :)

Im runnin Debian on a 96 and here is what im doing to it.

Ive got over 12 domains on it, 10 of which are constantly being used. I am running, php, mysql (all sites require mysql) I have a total of 12 mysql databases, qmail which also constantly received and sends email. I am also running 3 ssl certs, ontop of all that I am running a teamspeak server, and a ventrilo server, and I have also ran a jabber server back in the day. I have also ran a Condition Zero server which allowed 8 people to play nicely. All I can say is my linode is kik ass. Im running other crap on it too but Im to lazy to type it all. Gecko im sure you will probably want to atleast upgrade to a 96 eventually. But see what u can do with a 64. They are nice too its what I started out on.


Im runnin Debian on a 96 and here is what im doing to it.

Ive got over 12 domains on it, 10 of which are constantly being used. I am running, php, mysql (all sites require mysql) I have a total of 12 mysql databases, qmail which also constantly received and sends email. I am also running 3 ssl certs, ontop of all that I am running a teamspeak server, and a ventrilo server, and I have also ran a jabber server back in the day. I have also ran a Condition Zero server which allowed 8 people to play nicely. All I can say is my linode is kik ass. Im running other crap on it too but Im to lazy to type it all. Gecko im sure you will probably want to atleast upgrade to a 96 eventually. But see what u can do with a 64. They are nice too its what I started out on.

So you're why the linode is running slow ;)


I have also ran a Condition Zero server which allowed 8 people to play nicely.

How much ram did that require? With newer games like HL2, I dunno if a 256 would even be enough. I think games these days prolly need a dedicated solution.


I have a friend who couldn't SSH from work because of their firewall… all they did was put the SSH server on port 80, and they were able to connect from work. If you want to put up a web server also, get an extra IP address for $1/mo and put SSH on port 80 of that IP. Then again, if you're at work… maybe you should be working :P

not quite sure how much memory that took up I know that you should use a dedicated option though when running a game server. It ran for the most part though, then again it was only a 10 player server.


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