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What distro is used for Linode?

As title, just an unuseful questions that may interest many people, just curiosity.

Can you tell us what distro you use to manage the linode infrastucture?

11 Replies

xxxxxxxxxxx:~ tinono$ ssh xxxxxxxxxxxx-lish
Linux fremontxxx.linode.com #1 SMP Fri Mar 26 17:06:20 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
[linodexxxxx@fremontxxx lish] Fri Aug 13 18:56:48 EDT 2010
[linodexxxxx@fremontxxx lish] Linode Shell (lish) Console starting…
[linodexxxxx@fremontxxx lish]

That's a little trick mikegrb plays on us. They are actually running slackware with an ubuntu motd. why? i don't know. but there you go.

Linux version (root@build.linode.com) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) ) #1 SMP Tue Nov 10 16:29:17 UTC 2009

Now that's a fairly involved mod!

Not a big surprise though, they're also running uml with a xen-mod… :wink:

it's the strangest thing, but caker insists on using ubuntu kernels, and mikegrb insists on using the slackware distro.

so we have slackware booted with an ubuntu kernel. works well though. mikegrb knows his stuff.

it's interesting, thanks for sharing.

You can see the percentages of deployed Linodes here:


For the lazy, they are:

48% Ubuntu

24% Debian

16% CentOS

4.3% Fedora

3.1% Gentoo.

Considering that 72% of Linodes are on a debian-based distro, that's probably the best bet in terms of community support.

thanks for your reply guspaz I don't need to choose a distro, I was only interested in what distro givea the soul to linode.

Thanks :)


3.1% Gentoo.

I use Gentoo here, what a great distro!

One of the few distros that I really enjoy maintaining.


enjoy maintaining.
I'm pretty sure that's a oxymoron.



enjoy maintaining.
I'm pretty sure that's a oxymoron.
i guess to some, but for the majority of the time it is enjoyable.

after a quick eix-sync you just run emerge -uNDv world and then you just watch packages compile. sort of like the concept of zen (maintaining your plants etc…), it brings peace to my desktop and server. :lol:


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